Quicksilver Scientific Hemp Synergies-SP-Sleep Hemp Extract

Quicksilver Scientific CBD Synergies-SP Sleep Hemp Extract is a soothing combination of nutraceuticals and botanicals giving rapid support for deep, restorative sleep.

Was:$75.50 Now:$72.00

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Product Description


Quicksilver Scientific Hemp Synergies-SP Sleep Hemp Extract is a soothing combination of nutraceuticals and botanicals.

PharmaGABA® and Melatonin, main ingredients, soothe the mind and align your body with its natural biological rhythms, supporting a healthy sleep cycle.


Quicksilver Scientific CBD Synergies-SP Sleep Hemp Extract is a premium sleep formula replete with soothing nutraceuticals and botanicals.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by your brain at night that prepares your body for sleep. Multiple aspects of modern life, including air travel and evening blue light exposure, disrupt melatonin production, making restful sleep elusive. Melatonin supplementation realigns your body with its natural biological rhythms, inducing effortless slumber.

GABA is your body’s primary “rest and relax” neurotransmitter, quieting your busy mind and setting the stage for restful sleep. PharmaGABA®, produced naturally via fermentation, and full spectrum hemp extract work together to support GABA activity, easing your transition into deep sleep. Skullcap and passion flower, potent botanicals used traditionally to induce restful slumber, fine-tune GABA signaling.

5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin, one of your body’s primary feel-good neurotransmitters. It also indirectly supports melatonin production, helping to regulate your sleep cycle.

The absorption of nutraceuticals and botanicals is often limited in the digestive tract.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Store at room temperature.

Nutritional Information
[caption id="attachment_2314" align="alignnone" width="600"]Quicksilver CBD SP CBD Hemp Extract Supplement Facts Quicksilver CBD SP CBD Hemp Extract Supplement Facts[/caption]
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